This was written by Jeffrey Sunshine who is a Justice of the Supreme Court and the Statewide Coordinating Judge for Matrimonial Cases. At this time of an historic health emergency, strains could appear in an intact relationship, while in a fractured relationship those strains and disputes become problematic quickly. It is difficult for lawyers to…

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Persons who are legally married are required to provide financial support for each other. If a married person divorces in New York State the higher earning spouse may be required to pay maintenance (spousal support) to the lower earning spouse, for a specified period of time, to assist the lower earning spouse become financially independent…

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Disputes in the workplace have the potential to cause significant damage to a business.  A single major employment dispute can result in the erosion of substantial assets because of legal fees, potential jury awards, loss of productivity and negative by creating a negative impact on a business’ public image due to negative publicity and or…

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Mediation provides a neutral environment where individuals can safely and confidentially communicate and explore ways to resolve their dispute. Discussions in mediation are facilitated by an impartial third-party mediator trained in managing conflict. The mediator does not represent anyone, has no allegiance to any party, gives no advice, makes no decisions and has no conflicts…

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