Our training team members have diverse backgrounds with advanced degrees in business, education, law and medicine, offering over 40 years combined experience and has trained in excess of 250,000 participants.  We focus on building skills and leading the way in leadership development by strengthening the foundation of the workforce through internal communication management and organizational team building with an eye toward providing a high quality of service and increasing the organization’s bottom line.

Gaining skills to increase productivity
and your bottom line

Having a well-trained workforce helps to
minimize risks of costly litigation for
sexual harassment claims
and other allegations of discrimination

Training and CoachingAs facilitators, we train participants in building skills which include, but are not limited to, leadership, team building, emotional intelligence, personal development, diversity/cultural awareness, strengthening listening skills, change management, anger management, performance management, time management, coping with stress, sexual harassment, effective meetings and presentations, communication and conflict resolution.

A program coordinator will meet with you to conduct a needs assessment so that we may custom-tailor training that meets your requirements and satisfies your goals and expectations. All workshops and trainings can be offered as a half day or full day program depending on the needs and the number of participants involved.

Additional Practice Area Information

Effectively Dealing with Personality Conflicts and Different Behavioral Style

This training assists participants to discover behavioral styles, learn to value the strengths of others, manage effectively, foster teamwork, improve communication skills and reduce conflict and stress in the workplace.

Time Management

Setting priorities and managing time effectively is basic to managing individual and organizational performance. The pressure to find innovative ways to achieve goals, pay attention to the competition, respond quickly to customer needs and enjoy life outside of work is even more intense in today's less structured, information-driven workplace. Meeting the daily challenge of managing professional and personal responsibilities requires a learning strategy designed to meet individual needs. This training has served to assist individuals in the workplace to learn time management techniques, develop new skills for improved performance, focus on priorities, increase productivity, meet customer needs, respond to opportunities, and reduce stress.

Team Building

Successful team members have a clear understanding of individual roles and understand the value of working together toward a common goal to create cohesive and high performance teams. This training helps to create teamwork in the workplace, identify individual strengths and approaches to teamwork, clarify team members' roles, reinforce the contributions of every team member, reduce project cycle time and increase productivity, foster mutual support, and enhance performance.

Sexual Harassment

Under New York State law mandatory ANNUAL anti-harassment training is required for ALL employers, no matter the size of the business. This training will be required for all employees, including supervisors, managerial employees, temporary employees and interns. Topics that must be covered includes definitions and examples of sexual harassment, education on bystander intervention, and explanations of how to bring complaints both internally and with the applicable federal, state and city administrative agencies. Employers must obtain from each employee a signed acknowledgment that he or she attended the training. This new law came into effect on April 1, 2019.

Conflict Resolution and Mediation Training

This training presents a step-by-step approach to the mediation process and emphasizes the concepts, strategies, and skills effective in resolving conflicts. Participants learn how to analyze the causes of conflict and learn strategies to reduce conflict, structure mediation sessions for success, and negotiate strategies that lead to joint problem solving, communicate effectively, handle strong emotions, exercise power effectively, and maintain neutrality. For participants who have a focus on workplace mediation, the training also includes topics such as identifying stereotypes and promoting acceptance of differences, managing prejudice in mediation, handling strong emotions and cultural differences.

Communication & Listening Skills Development

Good communication is one of the most valued and powerful skills in the workplace. Effective listening is basic to communicating productively inside the organization and meeting the competitive challenges outside. This training helps individuals to become active, purposeful listeners in a wide variety of situations to enable more productive communication. It also helps individuals to, discover their personal style of listening, capitalize on their listening strengths, learn how listening approaches impact listening effectiveness, improve their ability to understand the purpose of different communications, use listening approaches appropriate to the communication, overcome listening barriers, reduce conflict and enhance individual and team performance.

Coping and Stress

To avoid the peaks and valleys of productivity created by high stress and burnout, employees need to know how to balance the urgent demands of work and personal life without sacrificing either. This training includes discussion on stress and coping in four life areas: Personal, Work, Couple and Family. Participants gain important insights into how stress in one life area impacts other areas, how coping resources in one area can be used to decrease stress in another, and how stress, coping resources and overall life satisfaction are closely related. Participants explore problem solving, communication, closeness, and flexibility to respond to change. This training helps participants to, discover individual stress issues in each relevant life area, capitalize on coping strengths, manage stress, learn to minimize or eliminate common daily stressors, identify areas for coping skills improvement, develop flexibility in responding to change, communicate more effectively, improve their problem solving abilities and build mutually supportive relationships.

Understanding Diversity

Our increasingly diverse society is reflected in our growing workforce. Leading organizations acknowledge that working successfully with others who do not share the same background, beliefs or traditions is a top priority in the workplace. Many times employees need assistance in analyzing their behavior toward people who are different from themselves. They will learn to understand the benefits of changing negative attitudes, by transforming resistance into appreciation and cooperation. This training assists participants in discovering their personal comfort level with people different than themselves, understand the impact of their behavior on others, assess the accuracy of their knowledge about differences, limit the influence of stereotypes, reduce conflict, transform knowledge into acceptance and empathy, and embrace diversity as a source of organizational strength.

Leadership and Management Development

Collapsing organizational hierarchies and increasing workforce diversity has dramatically altered our understanding of leadership. Today, leaders come in many varieties, from charismatic visionaries to quiet team players. Leadership is understood in its numerous dimensions, with leaders and followers interchanging roles as the situation demands. This training assists participants in discovering personal leadership characteristics, define primary qualities needed by leaders, develop an understanding of the leader-follower relationships, encourage acceptance of organizational needs, meet the challenges of today's team-orientated workplace and recognize the strengths in shared leadership.

Managing the Process of Change

This training will help participants to develop a roadmap for moving from resistance to acceptance to change. Participants will develop action plans for moving through five phases of change [Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance]. Additionally, they will be able to identify and manage "personal" transitions created by change and understand the organizational impact of change.

Anger Management

This training explores the causes of anger, develops anger management skills, and reduces hostility in the workplace. Anger Management training explores different ways in which individuals are perceived when they express themselves and the reactions of others to these expressions. Participants will explore different methods which can be utilized to express anger safely, build anger management skills, and to reduce stress.

Personal Learning

This training has many applications including personal, career, management and leadership development. Communication skills, team building, coaching and mentoring, performance improvement and group facilitation skills are taught. This training is designed to assist people to identify their personal approach to learning, communicate their learning needs, and access more effective learning resources. It also helps participants to understand what motivates them to learn, recognize how they prefer information to be presented, discover activities that enhance learning effectiveness, develop action plans to maximize learning, design a range of learning resources that fulfils the needs of different types of learners.

Additional Training Topics
  • Sensitivity Training
  • Bias Awareness
  • Recognizing Warning Signals of a Violent Employee
  • Performance Coaching
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